Why Row?
Why Row?
Rowing is a very safe and enjoyable sport.
Rowing, both on and off the water is a great way to develop your fitness, or stay physically active.
Regular exercise, fun and friendship all contribute to your health and well-being.
Rowing is an up and coming sport in Ireland with many Irish athletes now achieving success at International level.
Rowing teaches less obvious things, like working as part of a team, self discipline, goal setting and staying controlled under pressure. You will be pleasantly surprised at the range of skills you will acquire and develop through rowing.

Newcomers – What Can I Expect for my daughter /son
As a new comer to the sport the following is what your daughter or son can expect to experience as they progress in the sport throughout the year. Children need to be 12 years of age or over.
Introduction to the basics of the rowing stroke will occur both on the clubs rowing ergometers in the gym and on the water in the clubs robust and stable leisure rowing boats.
Weather permitting rowing outings will occur every Saturday and Sunday morning commencing at 8:30am or 10:30am. Where weather prevents going on the water the training session will occur in the club’s gym.
Gym training sessions will also occur in the evenings during the week in the Winter months.
As rowing ability improves one will then transfer to training in the more slender and lighter rowing racing shells.
Rowing season runs from September to the first weekend in August of the following year.
As the evenings get brighter in the summer months rowing training sessions on the water will occur during the week as well as the weekends.
Competitive events run throughout the country with Head of the River time trials and indoor rowing events being attended during the winter and spring months with sprint regattas being attended from April on.
National Rowing Championships will be attended at the National Rowing Centre in Cork in early July.